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The work Vitreous Body takes place in a post-privacy world. For this world, we have developed the term "computerized eyes" to describe cameras whose capabilities go beyond those of a classical camera.

While a classical camera only perceives flat images, a computerized camera has artificial intelligence, i.e., it has the ability to gain abstract knowledge about the content of an image. For example, it can recognize how (human) bodies move through space (3D pose estimation) or recognize and assign faces (facial tracking and motion capture). The computerized cameras, according to our definition, become computerized eyes when they are able to use this information to have an effect on the world. For example, when they are able to exert force on other bodies. For example, a self-driving car can both detect objects in its path and make decisions on its own. Failure of these systems, by triggering actions, can lead to the death of people. Thus, we can infer that a camera becomes a computerized eye when it has sufficient human capabilities to at least partially replace a human. We assume that the number of these computerized eyes will increase and that one day there will be more computerized eyes than human eyes.

The Vitreous Body scenario takes place in our matrix in the Opacity, Human over Nature and Virtual quadrants. The phrase from the FaaS machine that inspired us to do this work is: A motionless space apart from "real" desire.

The scenario

Now that more computer eyes than human eyes are looking at the world, it becomes increasingly important - and a more relevant skill - for individuals to conceal themselves from the discerning gaze.
The central question of whether the human body belongs fundamentally to the private or public sphere must be explored.

The greater availability of artificial intelligence and the ever cheaper production costs of cameras as well as processors, have led to countless "problems" of public space being solved with computer eyes. New traffic models and autonomous vehicles have required that every body in public space be perceived by computer eyes.

The computer eyes are not primarily for surveillance. They recognize faces and people in everyday life to serve different purposes. The possibility that the information and data will be misused remains. But the very fact that public and private space is increasingly observed and modified by cameras changes how and why we move through space.

Computerized eyes can appear in the most mundane places. Even the public restroom is a place where computer eyes are present. To prevent toilet paper from being stolen and to save money, paper is rationed per person. The cameras at the paper dispensers recognize and remember the faces of the people who have already received paper. Only after 9 minutes it is possible for the same face (or person) to get toilet paper again.
For some time, quite a few paper dispensers of public toilets have been hacked. The small computer responsible for the face recognition software plays a movie instead and has become inoperable. With the proliferation of hacked minicomputers, flyers have been increasingly placed between paper towels in the same paper dispensers.
Two movements exist that sharply criticize the use of computerized eyes. One movement appreciates technology and its benefits, but demands that a way of dealing with computerized eyes be found because they are here to stay. Its representatives do not want the individual to change himself, but call for a rethinking of society. The central question is: How can human bodies process the omnipresent computerized eyes?
The representatives of the other movement are inward-looking and want to distance themselves as much as possible from technological developments. They posit the thesis that the individual cannot defend himself against the transilluminated gaze, but should rather try to become a glass body completely. The attempt to preserve privacy is already hopeless. Therefore, resistance should be overcome and absolute transparency should be pursued. The central question is: How can we become fully transparent and thus disappear for the computerized eyes?